Starrcade Follow up 1997-Total extreme wrestling 2016 Montreal Aftermath-Blog 7

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Hello Humanoids

It’s me BadjokesBlogs back at you once again with another blog. Today we’ve got Blog six of the Montreal aftermath playthrough, alongside the awesome Hanmister Younger. It’s another big one as we have all the fallout from the biggest pay per view of the year Starrcade 1997. This should have been out last week, but real life got in the way sorry people.

Before we get started, I’ve decided to start booking WCW Saturday Night on Mondays before Nitro, so for this blog only there is no WCW Saturday night recap as what I’ve booked will air after Nitro.

IF you want to see our previous shows mine can be found Here

Hanmister’s can be found Here

WCW Monday Nitro

WCW Monday Nitro is being held in the DC Armory, with a sold-out crowd of ten thousand people to see the fall out from Starrcade. The show begins with a video package of JJ Dillion congratulating WCW on their success last night and to mark their achievement. This will be the start of a new era for Nitro as the show will now be three hours long and Dusty Rhodes will be the GM of WCW.

Segment 1 JJ dillion announces Nitro is 3 hours and Dusty is new GM

A D- rating for the opening segment isn’t ideal, but it was just a short segment to announce the changes to Nitro with the longer show, which I felt was necessary as two hours felt really restrictive and was limiting the stories matches could tell.

Now we are in the arena as the new WCW world heavyweight champion Sting, is making his way to the ring to say a few words about his victory last night. He calls out the man who saved him from Hogan’s attack, the Hitman Bret Hart. The two men exchange pleasantries and Bret says that he will be wanting a shot at the title at some point in the future. Hearing this DDP decides to come out and tells Sting that if we are talking about title matches then he wants to be in that conversation as, after all, he did beat Scott Hall last night. The NWO’s music hits and a very angry looking Hogan Nash and Hall come out and say that last night was a fluke, and they will prove it tonight in a six-man tag match.

Segment 2 stingddp & bret open show get interuupted by NWO

A  B- rating is much more like it, and this brought the crowd back into the show. Everyone performed well, and it’s good to see both Bret Hart and Kevin Nash inventing new catchphrases to improve their abilities on the microphone.

The first match of the evening is a very short one as Goldberg takes his streak to twenty-nine and zero as he defeats La Parka in under five minutes in a D+ rated match.

segment 3 goldberg vs la parka

Following his twenty-ninth victory in a row, Goldberg is stopped for an interview by Mean Gene Okerlund who attempts to ask a couple of questions, but Goldberg still does not have anything to say.

Another D + segment for Goldberg, but he came out of this looking good so he is improving and he will have something substantial to do in the near future.

segment 4 goldberg silence

Next up, a video is shown of The Giant walking to the back last night, after his defeat to Kevin Nash, when he gets confronted by Roddy Piper who tells him that he let down WCW and he should be ashamed to show his face around here after that.

Segment 5 Piper taunts Giant about his loss against Nash

A D+ rating for the segment is ok as this is just being used to set up the next match. Which sees The Giant take on Roddy Piper and in seven minutes and twenty-two seconds, The Giant gets the win with a chokeslam in a match that he dominated.

segment 6 giant beats Piper

A fourth D + segment in a row, and this show just isn’t getting going yet. Hopefully, we will improve soon. The Giant’s dominant victory is a way to send Piper out of WCW as he has asked for his release due to the bad backstage atmosphere.

The next match sees a complete contrast of styles as the Mexican cruiserweight Rey Mysterio is up against the Britsh technician Steven Regal. In a C- rating match it’s Mysterio who gets the win with a springboard Hurracanrana, after eleven minutes and forty-five seconds.

segment 7 Mysterio vs Regal

A C- finally sees us get a little bit of an improvement and I like the idea of Rey and Regal doing something together in the future, I think they could have a good story together.

Following his victory, Mysterio is celebrating when he gets jumped from behind by The Flock and their new leader Al Snow, who want to show Mysterio that the problems between him and Kidman are very far from over.

segment 8 flock attack mysterio

An E- is a terrible rating for this segment, the only reason I can think of is that Al Snow’s opener status has dragged everybody else down as well as Hammer not being suited to his gimmick. Hopefully, this is just a one segment blip and the story can get some more interest.

Following on from his open challenge last night at Starrcade, Dean Malenko is once again issuing an open challenge, and this time he is answered by Disco Inferno who informs Malenko that he is just so boring, that he had to come out and answer the challenge before Dean put the crowd to sleep. Malenko responds with “The only thing going to sleep is you Disco”.

segment 9 malenko open challenge opened by disco inferno

Another E+ segment and this show is not going well, but after the disaster that was Malenko and Jushin Liger at Starrcade last night, I’ve decided to turn Malenko’s lack of skill on the mic into a storyline that will see him get a manager at some point in the next couple of weeks.

The match between these two was not much better than the segment beforehand, getting a D, as it’s Malenko who gets the win in just under twelve minutes, when he makes Disco Inferno tap out to the Texas Cloverleaf, to retain his cruiserweight title for the 3rd time.

segment 10 malenko vs disco inferno

A D rating is a little better, and hopefully, Malenko’s ratings will get better when his manager arrives. They have too or otherwise Malenko’s days as cruiserweight champ will be numbered.

One person who wants to ensure Malenko’s days as champion are limited, is the former champ, Eddie Guerrero. Who fresh off his win last night against his nephew Chavo, comes out to the ring after Malenko’s win, beats him down to the mat and hits him with the frog splash, to make it clear he wants a rematch soon.

segment 11 Eddie attacks malenko

Another E+ and I really have no idea what is going so wrong with this show. It looked ok on paper and we really need the last few segments of the show to be good, or we could be looking at the lowest rating we’ve had so far since I took over Nitro.

Well, this match was a lot better. As the Steiners defended their WCW tag team championships against the faces of fear, in a rematch from Starrcade last night. After twelve and a half minutes of wild action, the Steiners got the win, when Rick Steiner pinned Meng after a Flying bulldog off the top rope in a C+ rated match.

segment 12 Steiner brothers vs faces of fear

C + is a much better rating than what we have been getting for this segment, and according to the road agent, this match would have got an even better rating if the crowd wasn’t so cold because of the other segments bombing so bad.

Next up, the cameras are backstage with Chris Benoit, who is walking around when he bumps into Wrath who says that Benoit is lucky to be TV champion, and if he fought a real man like Wrath then he wouldn’t be champion for long. Benoit takes this as a challenge and says “Fine, I was on the way to the ring anyway. I might as well go out there and make you tap out”.

segment 13 benoit and wrath argument

Another D- segment and nothing seems to be coming off like I had hoped tonight. Hopefully, these two can have a match that will bring the fans back into the show.

Well, that didn’t work the match was only just better than the segment, as Benoit defeats Wrath in under nine minutes pinning him with the Dragon suplex in a D+ match that was hurt a little bit by the fact that Wrath is working with an injury at the moment.

segment 14 benoit vs wrath

Our second Starrcade rematch of the night, sees Chris Jericho defend his newly won United States Championship against the former champ, Curt Hennig. This is once again a very solid match, as in just under fifteen minutes, Jericho is victorious again. This time making Hennig tap out to the Lion Tamer in a C rated match.

segment 15 jericho vs hennig

A C rating in a match that will more than likely be the blow-off for this feud, as having lost twice now, I cant see a reason to give Hennig another shot at the belt so I will be looking at going in different directions with these two men.

Next up Randy Savage makes his way to the ring, and grabs a mic and blames the NWO’s defeats last night on their lack of madness, so he wants to prove he can beat anyone in the back. He does not have to wait long for an answer, as the debuting Davey Boy Smith comes out and accepts the challenge which freaks Macho Man out.

Savage interrupted by Davey Boy Smith

C- again and to be honest I expected more from these two men, and I do have high hopes for their match, as this is a match I would love to see these two have in their prime.

The match does not disappoint, as Savage gets the win in a touch over sixteen minutes after Bagwell ruins Davey Boy’s debut by interfering, and knocking him out cold with a crowbar, so Savage can put the sleeper on and get the submission win in a B- rated match.

Savage vs Davey Boy Smith

So B- for the semi-main event of the night, and we might just grab a decent rating for the show overall if we can keep this going through the rest of the show.

Now it’s time for the main event of the evening, as the dream team of DDP, Bret Hart and the new WCW champion Sting take on the NWO Hogan Scott Hall and Kevin Nash in a 6 man tag team match. For the second time in as many nights, Sting beats Hollywood Hogan after fifteen minutes in a B- rated match, making the Hulkster tap out to the Scorpion Deathlock while Bret had the sharpshooter on Scott Hall.

segment 17 sting ddp and bret hart vs the NWO

B- in the last match of the night, is a very good way to move towards the end of the show, and at least I seem to have the main event stories gaining interest and good ratings.

Following their loss in the six-man tag match, the NWO are arguing with one another about who was to blame, when the outsiders turn on Hogan and double powerbomb him letting him know he no longer has a place in the NWO.

segment 18 Outsiders turn on hogan kicking him out of NWO

C+ for the last segment of the night is acceptable, and Hogan being kicked out of the NWO means that he will be taking a couple of months off, and he has a number of stories ready for when he comes back. He could go after the WCW title, or get revenge on Hall and Nash but either way, things will be interesting on his return.

Show overview

C- for the show overall and I believe its only that good because of the ratings from the Jericho match onwards, as before that we were looking at a proper disaster of a show, but the last hour of the show saved us. This was not the show I wanted to follow up Starrcade with and we need to have a better show next week.

Nitro show overview


Thank you so much for reading this. I hope you enjoyed it. If you did, give it a share or a Retweet or a like. All love is very much appreciated.

Also, remember to check out Hanmisters Blog, That can be found Here

Follow Hanmister on Twitter Here







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