WWE Backlash 2018 Review

Gold-star-half Hello Guys

Welcome to BadJokesblogs I am Badjokes and this is my 2nd review for a WWE PPV if you read the first one my review of Wrestlemania thank you so much but dont worry this will not be anywhere near as long as that was. Now lets get into the show

The Miz vs Seth Rollins (Intercontinatal Championship)

MIz vs Rollins

The first match of the night and what a match this was the crowd started off hot for both mens entrances espescially Seth’s Burn it down which was loudest I’ve ever heard it screamed and this match kept the crowd interested all the way through with a very good story with Miz working on Rollins’s Knee all the way through and a good spot early on as Rollins attempted a springboard of the ropes but slips and Miz counters into a Skull crushing finale for a very close two count. Seth gets back into it and hits a frog splash from a long way across the ring for his own two count. The fight goes to the apron and Rollins misses a knee aimed for MIz’s face and smashes his knee into the ring post and it actually sounded really painful, Rollins does a good job of selling the injury and Miz goes for the figure four and it looks like rollins might actually tap out but he eventually rolls through for the counter and miz sells the pain brilliantly but he gets to the ropes before hitting another skull crushing finale for another 2 count, a little bit more back forth ends with Rollins hitting the curb stomp (or is it the blackout now) for the win and he retains the Intercontental  championship in a great match.   4.5/5 stars



nia vs bliss

I dont know who decided to put this match on next but whoever it was needs firing, it was going to be difficult for anybody to follow the Miz and Rollins, but these two never had a chance there styles just dont clash in my opinion and that was epitomised by the DDT on the steps spot from Bliss to Nia, it looked like Nia didn’t move much and it just came off as clumsy. The match got into the stort they was trying to tell with Bliss constantly evading Jax  but eventually Bliss gets caught and Nia Jax hits her Samoan drop for the win in an ok match. Nia then grabs the mic and does a whole spiel about the win being for everybody who has ever been bullied or put down or felt sad or ever breathed or walked and references the Greatest Showman film in a promo that got loud boos from the New Jersey crowd. 3/5 stars



orton vs jeff hardy

Somebody grab the delorean because were going back to 2008 for this United States championship match. There was a couple of cool spots early on like Jeff hitting a poetry in montion on the outside and Orton showing he still has a good drop kick in his locker but that’s about it as this match had a lot of rest holds and was very slow so the crowd breaks out into rusev day chants  thankfully match ends with an RKO attempt reversed into a weird roll up and then Jess hits his Twist of Fate and Swanton Bomb combo for the win to end a dreadful match please dont let these two wrestle again. 2.5/5 Stars


elias backlash

Next up we’re about to be serenaded by Eliashowever the New Jersey crowd is not interested, and elias does a wonderful job working the audience drawing massive cheers when he take’s 1 step from the stool and then getting massive boos when he goes back to it this continues untill he finally decides to start singing because his best buddy Bruce Springsteen wants to hear him sing. we then have a host of interruptions firstly by the New day then rusev day and then no way Jose with titus worldwide in his conga line this was just a fantasticaly entertaning segement if you havent seen it go and find it when you’re done reading this it will make your day. it endswith booby roode coming out of nowhere and laying out elias with his glourious DDT 4/5 stars,It would of been more but it really didnt need the Roode DDT.


bryan vs Big Cass

This is a really weird choice to have for Bryan’s first singles PPV match back, and both men attempted to tell a story of going after the other’s recent injury but this match really suffered from lack of interest and there was an early “We want Enzo” chants which I’m really not sure about considering what he allegedly did but hey ho people. Bryan eventually gets the yes lock and Big Cass taps out really quick before getting back up and attacking Bryan after the bell to get back his heat so it seems this story is continuing, unfortunately. 2.5/5



carmella vs charlotte

This match was a weird one, as despite Carmella trying to escape early Doors once the match got going, Carmella largely out wrestled Charlotte and she played a very annoying heel very well but the match suffered from the booking as it doesn’t make sense for Carmella to be booked so strong against Charlotte just a month after she ended Asuka’s streak and I am left wondering where does Charlotte go from here.  I’m giving this the same rating as the Bryan v Cass match but I think this was marginally better 2.5/5 stars

starstar Gold-star-half

styles vs nakamura

Next up is the weirdest booking decision of all time as the WWE title match is not on last because why on earth would you want to make your oldest championship seem prestigious again, but this was the match that made me stay up all night and once again it isn’t the wrestler’s but the story that has let them down as this was largely better than their mania encounter but why oh why is this whole storyline about who can hit each other in the knackers the most it does such a disservice to the two world class superstars this match was just seeming to get into a 4.5 star or 5 Star match but it needed more time as the double low blow ending just came out of nowhere and sucked the life out of the crowd, Im really hoping we get to see what these two guys can do at some point but im not holding out much hope if I’m honest 3.5/5 stars


strowman and lashley vs sami and owens

Now for no reason, what so ever we get a match that we saw on Raw just a couple of weeks ago and I can’t really say anything that good about this match as I don’t think anyone came out of this looking any better than when they came in, I have no idea why Lashley was brought back which is a shame as I really liked him when he was in WWE about a decade ago but I fear he’s going to go the same way as Shelton Benjamin and get lost in the shuffle. Strowman did his new spot of chasing and mowing everyone down which is cool but I fear it will get stale quick. Kevin and Sami both threw each other in the ring to strowman and Lashley and teased at some dissension in the ranks so maybe they are going to start feuding again which I don’t want to see, I’d much rather see them get the tag belts and defend them for a few months. I’m giving this match another 2.5/5 stars.


joe vs reigns

Attempt number sixty-eight thousand and twenty-six in the Roman Reigns experiment has gone the way of all the others and bombed amazingly. This match would have been ok if it was halfway through the card like it should have been but putting this on the main event just screams of please like roman, please. The match started off well with Joe attacking Reigns pre-bell and throwing him violently through the table but that was the only highlight really of the match as it was rest hold after rest hold with the only other cool spot being Joe catching Reigns when he went for the drive by but the rest of the match was paint by numbers Reigns with him getting beat up a lot but he recovers to just about deliver a spear and get the win in a very poor main event. 3/5 stars


Overall Thoughts

This show started off brilliantly with an awesome IC title match that kept both guys strong, but then the show just went downhill and apart from the Elias,New Day, Rusev Day all the rest of the midcard segment it never really recovered especially after the cluster of a finish in the AJ vs Nakamura match that killed the crowd and the rumours of people leaving after that don’t surprise me at all and hopefully Vince will see the light and stop pushing Reigns for a while because as good as he is in the ring he just hasn’t clicked with the fans and we need a new top guy on raw.  So all in all im giving this show a 3/5 stars and it’s only that high because of the Miz vs Reigns match.

Thank you for reading this I hope you have enjoyed it if you have please give me a follow on here or a retweet on twitter or an upvote on Reddit or just generally get the word out. I also do A total extreme wrestling blog playing through the Montreal aftermath mod where I have taken charge of WCW and Hanmister younger has taken control of WWF his blog can be found Here















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