Starrcade go home show-Total extreme wrestling 2016 Montreal Aftermath-Blog 5

Bonjour Guys

It’s me BadjokesBlogs back at you once again with another blog. Today we’ve got Blog five of the Montreal aftermath playthrough, alongside the awesome Hanmister Younger. We’ve got the latest episode of WCW Saturday Night and the go home edition of WCW Monday Nitro, which includes two championship matches. Can we get some heat and interest going before our 1st Pay Per View?

IF you want to see our previous shows mine can be found Here

Hanmister’s can be found Here

WCW Saturday Night

WCW Saturday night was on the road this week and came to us from Chick Evans Field House ( Great Name By the way) in Illinois in front of a crowd of two thousand people.

The dark match saw another debut this week, as the Dudleys defeated the makeshift team of Jerry Lynn and Ultimo Dragon in a decent match that got a D rating and we should see the Dudleys debut on TV in the not too distant future.

The opening segment of the show saw Ric Flair and Alex Wright arguing about Wright nefarious tactics in defeating Flair on Nitro. They end up agreeing to have a rematch in tonight’s main event.

The second segment had Meng defeating Scott Steiner to build up some momentum before the tag title match at Starrcade.

Next up Ted Dibiase had a microphone and a camera backstage to hype up his new client’s match against Ray Traylor. Would he be able to pass the Test? We would find out next. The answer was no, as Test made short work of the former Big Boss Man in just under nine minutes, in another D rated match.

We had our first tag match of the evening next, as Raven and Kidman beat Benoit and Rey Mysterio in a C- rated match, following interference from the other members of the Flock. Their attack continued after the match, leaving the Canadian Crippler and The Mexican sensation laid out.

The following match was set up on Nitro last week when Eddie Guerrero told Chavo he had to avenge his loss to La Parka to bring back pride to the family. That is exactly what happened but that still wasn’t good enough for Eddie who immediately following the pinfall, jumped in the ring and started beating the hell out of Chavo, until Dean Malenko ran out and made the save, as Eddie runs away through the crowd.

Segment nine of the show was Hall and Bischoff ranting about DDP, and telling him how Hall will embarrass him at Starrcade.

Back in the ring, Chris Jericho is hosting his talk show, Talk is Jericho, with his gues. His opponent at Starrcade the current US champion Curt Hennig. Before too long things have got heated and Hennig lays out Jericho with a cheap shot.

The semi-main event of the evening is a tag team match, as Harlem Heat loses to Buff Bagwell and Randy Savage in the best match of the night, getting a C rating. After the match, Bagwell grabs the microphone and taunts Lex Luger about putting him on the shelf.

The main event of the evening, as was set up earlier, was Ric Flair vs Alex Wright, and it’s the Nature Boy who is victorious in a match that got a C- rating when Flair made Wright tap out to the figure four leg lock. Following the match, Flair helps Wright to his feet and offers the Wunderkind a handshake but the German refuses and walks past Flair out of the ring leaving Flair annoyed in the ring to close the show.

saturday night overview

A D+ rating for the show is obviously not the best and things will have to improve soon. Hopefully, they will following Starrcade, I’m not too sure what to do with Test. Do I keep plugging away with him on the B show or do I drop him down to developmental and hope he improves? What would you guys do? Let me know down below or on Twitter.

WCW Monday Nitro

The go home edition of Monday Nitro for Starrcade was held at the Alerus Center in North Dakota and kicked off with Hall and Nash making their way to the ring to grab a couple of microphones and Hall wants to take a survey asking who came here to watch WCW and who wants to see Hall beat the hell out of DDP tonight!! Well, that ain’t happening he ain’t worth my time. DDP’s music hits and out he comes to respond. He challenges Kevin Nash to prove what a big boy he is by facing him in the main event tonight. Nash accepts and says that Dallas will be lucky to get to Starrcade.segment 1 ddp nash and hall

A B- rating is a good way to start the show and the angle gets the crowd going. We’re still getting the DDP needs a new gimmick note and that will be taken care of, after the Pay Per View.

The first match of the evening is for the Cruiserweight championship, as Dean Malenko cashes in his number one contendership against the champion Eddie Guerrero. After twenty-three minutes and fifteen seconds, we have a new cruiserweight champion, when Malenko finally gets Eddie in the Texas Cloverleaf, in the middle of the ring and Eddie has no choice but to submit.

segment 2 eddie vs malenko

A C rating for the opening contest of the night is acceptable if not a little underwhelming, as I had expected better and maybe that was optimistic. We have a new Cruiserweight champion in the shape of the man of a thousand holds and I have a very special opponent lined up for him at Starrcade.

Back from the break and Eddie is furious backstage, blaming his nephew Chavo for his loss, despite Chavo being nowhere to be seen. Eddie says that the arguments the two have been having lately put him off his game He shouts and rages at Chavito who eventually snaps and challenges Eddie to a match at Starrcade.

segment 3 eddie and chavo argue

A D rating isn’t too bad and there isn’t much to say about this segment and hopefully, the two Guerrero’s can put on a good match at the pay per view.

Next up is Goldberg vs Finlay and in just under six minutes Goldberg takes his streak to twenty-three and zero beating Finlay with the spear.

segment 4 goldberg vs finlay

The main reason for this match is the fact that Finlay will be leaving the company in the next couple of weeks. So it made perfect sense to use Finlay as Goldberg’s latest victim and I should imagine that Goldberg will have his first storyline after Starrcade, which is when I’ll start putting Goldberg in longer matches to try and get better ratings.

Ric Flair comes out next and says that he has heard all the people saying that he is a has been and that he cant hang with the new generation, that he was lucky to beat Alex Wright on Saturday. Well if that’s what people think I’m going to prove you all wrong, because I’m challenging Alex Wright to one more match at Starrcade. This time with my Career on the line are you man enough to retire a legend?

segment 5 flair puts career on line vs wright

A D+ rating is a real let down for this segment. I was hoping for better, but hopefully, Flair can steal the show on his last night in the company against Alex Wright.

Buff Bagwell vs Booker T is next. Buff has the stuff tonight as he picks up the win in just under seven minutes, after Randy Savage interferes hitting an elbow drop on Booker T,  which allows Bagwell to hit a Yellow Jacket suplex (wtf is one of them).

segment 6 bagwell vs booker t

A C rating in this match is a surprise to me on many different levels, as the match was so short and I don’t remember Buff and Booker putting on many good matches together but according to the road agent, they have great chemistry, so putting them together is maybe something I’ll think about in the future.

Raven is in the ring with Saturn and Kidman and he says tonight is the night this whole thing between the Flock and that imbecile Benoit ends. If he wants a TV title match, he has to come out and accept it right now, it’s now or never punk.

segment 7 flock challenge benoit to tv title match

A D- rating the promo is ok, as it was just a short promo to set up the next segment and keep the storyline going.

Benoit comes out and immediately accepts the match and in sixteen and a half minutes he is victorious, when he reverses Saturns attempt at rings of Saturn into a roll up and he gets the one two three to win the TV championship and make it two title changes in one night.

segment 8 benoit vs saturn tv title

C is for championship tonight as both our title matches have got C ratings and expect to see a rematch between these two at some point in the near future.

Immediately following the Benoit victory, the cameras pick up an argument and brawl breaking out between the Faces of Fear and the Steiner brothers backstage. They hit each other with all kinds of random weapons, before it gets broken up and the tag title match at Starrcade is made a hardcore match.

segment 9 faces of fear attack the steiners back stage

D+ is a little disappointing, but hopefully, the match at Starrcade will be better. I think it will be but I might put it on first, as I think we have other matches planned that could get higher ratings.

Backstage, Wright has a Mic and he tells Flair that he gladly accepts the challenge and he will retire the Nature Boy because you have the old stuff and I have the Wright stuff.

segment 10 wright accepts flair challenge

D- for the segment is alright as this is probably the last segment I’ll have with Wright on his own, as I plan on pairing him up with a manager after Starrcade.

The giant is making his way to the ring to be in DDP’s corner for the main event, when he is surrounded and beaten up by Kevin Nash. Scott Hall and Randy Savage, leaving him down and out and DDP all alone before his main event against Kevin Nash.

segment 11 nash hall and savage beat up the giant

I’m happy with the C+ for the segment and it sets us up nicely for the main event and the pay per view.

The aforementioned Main event of the evening, sees Diamond Dallas Page defeat Big Sexy Kevin Nash, in just over eleven minutes, when Scott Hall attempts to hit Page with a chair but misses and knocks out his buddy Nash instead. Page hits the Diamond cutter on Hall and gets the victory over Kevin Nash.

segment 12 ddp vs kevin nash

C+ for the main event is not as good as I would have liked and is a bit of a drop from last weeks B- but the match suffered from time restraints, as originally this match had eighteen minutes but got cut to make time for the two championship matches and the last segment of the evening. Which is a contract signing for the main event of Starrcade between Hollywood Hogan and Sting, which is being hosted by Bret Hart, who has been put in charge of proceedings by WCW president J.J.Dillion. Both men taunt the other before signing the contract but before leaving, Hogan whispers something in Hart’s ear which makes him smirk, what do these two have planned for Sunday?

segment 13 sting and hogan contract signing hosted by bret hart

A B rating for the final segment of the night is a good way to end the show and to send us on the way to Starrcade, which I’m hoping will be a great show and be better then WWF’s in your house PPV from last weekend.

Show Overview

A C rating for the show overall for the third time in four weeks, is not going to keep the TV companies happy but I think a lot is hanging on the PPV as the changes I want to make should help the product get better on a weekly basis.

nitro show overview

So Long Sucka’s

So that’s the go home show done. Thank you so much for reading this. I hope you enjoyed it. If you did, give it a share or a Retweet or a like. All love is very much appreciated. Follow me on Twitter Here

Also, remember to check out Hanmisters Blog, with his first Pay per view and shortly the follow-up edition of Raw is War which should be out by the time you see this. That can be found Here

Follow Hanmister on Twitter Here








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