Early Improvements needed-Total extreme wrestling 2016 Montreal Aftermath-Blog 3

Hello people

It’s me BadjokesBlogs back at you once again with another blog. Today we’ve got Blog three of the Montreal aftermath playthrough, alongside the rather wonderful Hanmister Younger. Coming up for you guys we’ve got a brief recap of my first episode of WCW Saturday Night and a full recap of episode two of WCW Monday Nitro. We need an improvement from the first Nitro as TNT our main broadcaster in North America, was less than pleased with the quality of the first show. Can we improve today and get them back on our side?

IF you want to see our first shows mine can be found Here

Hanmister’s can be found Here

WCW Saturday Night 

Our debut episode of WCW Saturday night emanated from the Ameris Arena in Atlanta in front of a crowd of three thousand people.

The key highlights from this show, included The Flock issuing an open challenge for Saturns TV championship for anybody not named Benoit, which was accepted by Rey Mysterio JR for later in the show. Chavo Guerrero defeated La Parka in a decent match, which will go towards Chavo’s storyline going forward. The first new signing of my era in charge of WCW made his debut in the form of Test, who was introduced as Ted Dibiase’s new client. He then defeated Evan Karagias in a terrible match so I may have to send him down to the newly formed Power Plant (more on that in a future blog). Another Big man came out next as Kevin Nash cut a promo to hype his upcoming match with the giant at Starrcade. Backstage problems are starting with the next match, as the public enemy defeated the Blue Bloods in a match where it was obvious that both members of the Public Enemy were high on drugs, which brought the match quality down. DDP & Konnan argued backstage to set up the main event for the evening. The semi-main event saw Saturn retain his TV title in a decent match against Rey Mysterio, when Billy Kidman distracted the masked Luchador, to allow Saturn to lock in his Rings of Saturn submission for the win. The NWO got the highest rated segment of the night, when Hogan, Bischoff, and Savage ranted backstage about Sting. The main event of DDP vs Konnan got a C rating, as DDP picked up the win to build up some momentum against the NWO.

WCW Saturday night overview

A C rating for the show overall is decent and maybe about what you would expect from a B show in the early days of my tenure in charge. We’ve progressed some stories and hopefully kept the TV companies happy so all in all a show I’m happy with.

WCW Monday Nitro

Now onto the main show Monday Nitro, which was held at the BankAtlantic Center in Florida with a crowd of nineteen thousand, one hundred and eight people. The show kicks off with The Outsiders music playing, as they make their way down to the ring to talk about how they are the best thing going in WCW but before too long they are interrupted by DDP and The Giant who rather vehemently disagrees with the Outsiders opinion and a tag match is set up for the main event tonight.

Segment 1 outsiders and giant and ddp set up main event

A C rating to open the show is acceptable, as DDP still isn’t suited to his gimmick and The Giant performed poorly in the segment. I expected that really but the commentary team performed well which helped the segment along.

The first match of the evening was to determine the number one contenders for the WCW Tag Team championships, between The Public Enemy and The Faces of Fear. After just over five minutes, it’s the Faces of Fear who pick up the win after a dominating performance, when Rocco Rock was forced to submit to a Tongan Death Grip to set up a future Tag Title match against the Steiner’s.

Segment 2 faces of fear dominate Public enemy

For the second show running The Public Enemy showed up far too stoned to wrestle unbeknown to me. Well, this isn’t baseball people, two strikes and you’re out with me. So this demolition they received at the hands of the Faces of Fear will be the last we see of Public Enemy in WCW but as one ECW alumni team leave, another will be taking there place soon.

Next up was a rematch from WCW Saturday Night, as Chavo Guerrero gave LA Parka a chance to undo his defeat from the weekend and it was LA Parka who came out on top, after surprising Chavo with a roll up after ten minutes and fifty-one seconds.

Segment 3 Chavo vs La Parka

Unfortunately, this match just didn’t click and the D rating it received is a bit of a disappointment. Maybe I can be held partly responsible, as I wanted to use this match to lift the crowd but with the crowd already being hot, maybe I should have placed this match later on the card.

Curt Hennig hosted the inaugural episode of his new talk show “The Unbeatable Talk Show”, with his guest being his challenger at Starrcade Chris Jericho. As ever with talk shows in wrestling, it did not take long for Hennig to say something Jericho did not agree with, so this soon descended into a wild brawl that had to be split up by officials, with neither man getting too much of the upper hand.

Segment 4 curt hennig talk show with jericho brawl

The C- rating for this segment is ok as it keeps the storyline going but hopefully, we can get some better ratings in the next few weeks. It does seem so far that Jericho is keeping up with this story with the more experienced Hennig.

The following match was Goldberg’s weekly squash match. This time the victim was Brad Armstrong, who was defeated in three minutes fifty-one, when Goldberg hit his spear to take his streak to fifteen and zero (huge thanks to Woken Otter for finding the streak number Goldberg would be on at this point).Segment 5 goldberg squash armstrong

Not a great deal to say about this match to be honest. Goldberg’s streak is still intact and I’m not too bothered about the rating, as these matches are super short but Goldberg’s in-ring performance of C- is something I’m happy with for someone who is only a few matches into his career. Hopefully, it won’t take too long for Goldberg to improve and get himself up to upper mid-card status.

Following the match as Goldberg is leaving the ring Mean Gene Okerlund attempts to get a few words from the new rookie Goldberg but the man does not feel like talking and he walks off without uttering a single syllable.

Segment 6 Goldberg wont talk to okerlund

A very short segment this and one you can expect to see a few times over the next few weeks, as we attempt to build a mystique around Bill Goldberg. He looked good in this segment as I made sure he was rated on his menace, as I didn’t want him to say anything.

Backstage rather luckily the cameras happened to be around and turned on, as Ric Flair and Alex Wright have an argument, after Wright interfered to eliminate Flair from the United States number one contender’s battle royal last week. They end up agreeing to meet for a match next week on Nitro.

Segment 7 Flair and wright set up match for next week

A D- rating for this segment and I’m really not sure what to expect as far as rating goes next week for their match but unless the match is a disaster, I am expecting this to be a long storyline which hopefully will elevate Wright to a new level.

Booker T made his way to the ring next for a single’s match against Fit Finlay and in a surprisingly poor match, Booker T comes out victorious, after hitting his Harlem Hangover to make it two wins in a few days. Maybe Booker will be thinking about ditching his brother and going for a singles career.

Segment 8 booker t vs finlay

Booker T’s in-ring performance of C- is ok and maybe the match rating would have been better if I had placed this match better on the card but this did what I needed it to do and gets Booker more used to singles wrestling. So hopefully he might be ready for a US or TV title run in the not too distant future.

Speaking of the TV championship, We come back from commercial to see Chris Benoit in the ring with a microphone and he is calling out the Flock demanding to face any one of them, to prove that he is ready for a TV title shot. Raven responds by putting Riggs into a match with the Rabid Wolverine, which Riggs does not look too happy at all with.

Segment 9 Beniot calls out the flock

Not too much to say about this segment. The D- is about what you would expect for a segment that starts with Benoit on the mic. As good as Benoit is in the ring, I do think his microphone skills need improving if he’s going to progress to world champion level.

Immediately after Raven accepts Benoit’s challenge on Riggs behalf, the screen goes flickery and we see some haunting images of crows and woodland, as Sting’s voice announces that he will be in the middle of the ring to start Nitro next week and asks does Hogan have the cajones to meet him there alone?

Segment 10 Sting interrupts beniot to challenge hogan next week

A fantastic A rating gives Sting the best rating of the night so far. This is peak Sting being mysterious and showing that his character has changed from what he used to be. The road agent says that Sting underperformed. Well, if this is him underperforming I’d love to see him when he performs to his best.

Back to our regular programming as Chris Benoit and Riggs are in the ring about to start their match and for the second week in a row, Benoit makes a member of the Flock tap out to the Crippler Crossface. This time Riggs tapping in just under twelve minutes, as again Benoit makes it clear he wants Saturn and the TV championship.

Segment 11 beniot vs riggs

A pretty solid segment and Benoit’s in-ring performance of C, certainly shows that with better opponents he could put on special matches. Whenever he gets his match with Saturn I believe that could be a very very good match.

With shades of last week the flock all enter the ring to beat down Benoit but before they can do too much damage, Rey Mysterio hits the ring to make the save, as he is looking for retribution from Saturday night, when Kidman screwed him out of the TV title. Benoit and Rey stand tall as the Flock retreat vowing revenge.

Segment 12 rey saves beniot from flock beating

A D- minus segment brings the crowd down a little bit. I’m not too sure why, I thought that this segment would work. Maybe the crowd didn’t believe that Rey could fight off the Flock or maybe it was put on too late in the show but we have advanced both the Flock vs Benoit story and the Kidman vs Rey Mysterio, as we continue to build towards Starrcade.

Backstage Eddie Guerrero is berating his nephew Chavo for daring to have the nerve to lose to LA Parka. Does Chavo not understand the shame that Chavito has brought on the family name by losing to someone in a stupid bodysuit? He needs to put it right next week on Nitro. If he doesn’t Eddie will never let him hear the end of it.
Segment 13 eddie berates chavo for losing

Another D segment and maybe I have to have a rethink about the use of the Cruiserweights, at least in the early days as they don’t seem to be getting the best ratings. Perhaps I should make Nitro longer and give the cruiserweights an hour of the show to themselves, like WWE tried with 205 Live. Or stick with it for a few months and see if ratings improve.

On their way to the ring for the main event, DDP & the Giant are stopped for an interview where they talk about how they want to Prove that Nash is not the true giant and that Scott Hall cant handle the diamond.

Segment 14 ddp and giant hype main event

A C+ segment is very much overdue, as the last few have underperformed and this has got the crowd hot for the main event, despite the giant again performing poorly on the microphone.

The main event of the evening is the Outsider’s vs DDP and the Giant. After thirteen minutes and forty-one seconds, it’s Kevin Nash who gets the win when following an Eric Bischoff distraction. He hits his patented jackknife powerbomb on DDP, to end the show standing over DDP’s prone body.

Segment 15 ddp and giant vs outsiders

A B- minus rating means that for the second week in a row, the main event is the highest rated match of the show by quite some distance. This could have been even better but DDP & the Giant really didn’t work as a team. Their timing wasn’t the best as opposed to the vastly more experienced Outsiders who have great chemistry together, and that showed as both Hall & Nash finished the match with brilliant B ratings.

Show overview

A C+ rating for the show as a whole is an improvement and should keep TNT happy. Hopefully we can keep on improving and break into the B’s in the near future. We’re still being told we don’t have enough interesting storylines going, but I’m hoping that’s just because it’s early days and by the time Starrcade comes around in just under three weeks game time, people should be invested in our stories.

Show overview

Goodbye People

That’s the second show done, I think we’re getting into the hang of this now. Thank you so much for reading this, I hope you enjoyed it. If you did, give it a share or a Retweet or A like. All love is very much appreciated. Follow me on Twitter Here

Also, remember to check out Hanmisters Blog with his second episode of WWF Raw is War which should be out by the time you see this, that can be found Here

Follow Hanmister on Twitter Here











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