Montreal Aftermath-Introduction-TEW 2016 (World championship wrestling)


So whats going on here then

Hello, People, it’s me BadjokesBlogs coming at you with another Blog. This is my first attempt at a Total extreme wrestling blog. As you can tell from the image above, I’m going to be playing the Montreal Aftermath mod, taking charge of World Championship Wrestling, following the events of the historical Survivor Series 1997 pay-per-view, I will be attempting to win the Monday night war against the mighty World wrestling federation. I’m not going to be alone in this though as my good friend Hanmister younger will be taking charge of the WWF and will also be blogging how he gets on Here The plan at the moment is for us both to release our blogs on the same day, with one show per blog each and then we will set up a vote to see which show was better.

You may have seen some of my Football manager 2017 or 2018 videos on Youtube, or I’ve recently begun blogging some FM18 content here Check out my blogs there as well as all the other very talented bloggers, there’s some great stuff there.

The Roster

The first thing I want to look at is the current roster, which with a total of sixty-four people currently employed as active wrestlers does seem a little on the high side. So expect some firing’s in the early days of this save Now let’s look at the franchise player’s the superstars that my creative team believe I should be focusing the main event scene around.

WCW Franchise Players blog

As you would expect the number one and two positions, are held by Hollywood Hogan and Sting. Which is handy as I will be following what happened in real life and have them feud going into Starrcade. The next three being Randy Savage, Scott Hall and Diamond Dallas Page is a little bit of a surprise to me, as I would have expected Kevin Nash to be involved somewhere but as he’s not, that may change a couple of the early plans I had for storylines going forward. The fact that all five guys on this list are around the forty-year-old mark is a bit of a concern going forward but I’m hoping with some of the mid-card coming up we should be able to replace some of these experienced guys over the next twelve-eighteen months.

Next Big Things

WCW Next best things blog

Do you want to know what happens when you make a list of the next big things in WCW in 1997? You put Chris Jericho on the top of that list, that’s what. I certainly have big plans for Jericho going forward which may or may not begin at Starrcade keep your eyes peeled on the next blog to see what happens. Buff Bagwell being second on the list seems a very weird one, as even though I was only seven or eight around this time I remember thinking he was awful but if my creative team have confidence in him I may attempt to do something with him. The next three I am happy with as I have some big plans going forward for the cruiserweight division, so it’s good that my creative team are saying that we should be looking at pushing Juventud Guerrera, Chavo Guerrero and Psychosis in the future.

Talk the Talk

WCW Talk the Talk blog

I’m sure we all know that to be a major star in the wrestling business, you need to be able to captivate the watching audience with just your words and your charisma, and once again this is another list that Hollywood Hogan tops, which is why he is the current WCW champion. He is closely followed by the rowdy one Roddy Piper but I feel he may be a little bit past his best, so I’m thinking of limiting his in-ring appearances and trying to find someone for him to mentor and manage. Next on the list, is the one and only Ric Flair, who I will be trying to find something for but despite him being arguably the greatest of all time he is another one who is looking a tiny bit past his prime so I don’t want him to be involved in the title picture, except for short one month placeholder feuds. Randy Savage has a huge amount of charisma and can still go to an acceptable level, so he will be used in a floating role between the main event and the upper mid-card, to bring through the next generation of main event stars. Diamond Dallas Page, despite being forty-one years old, has only been wrestling for nine years so he doesn’t have the same amount of miles on the clock as some of his contemporaries of similar ages and could well have some world heavyweight championship reigns in his future.

Ring Generals

WCW Ring Generals blog

Of course, you can do all the talking you want but you need to be able to put on great matches and these five guys can certainly do that. Starting with Chris Benoit who might possibly be the best wrestler in the world already at this point and at only thirty years old has lots of time on his side. He can expect to be a massive part of the future of WCW and should be main eventing many of the big Pay per views over the next few years and could be our next franchise player. Dean Malenko is another who can put on great matches with just about anybody, however, I feel his lack of charisma will hold him back from ever attaining the world championship but he could have a few United states championship runs. Speaking of the United States Championship, Curt Henning starts the game as the US Champ and will almost certainly be defending that title at our first Pay-Per-View Starrcade. The last superstar on the list is Beniots best friend Eddie Guerrero, who at also thirty years old still has a good ten to fifteen years left in the business and could be the leader of the next generation, which we need to be looking at if we are to compete with the WWF.

Current Champions

This is how the landscape currently stands with regards to our champions, as the game begins. As previously mentioned Hollywood Hulk Hogan is the current WCW world heavyweight champion having defeated Lex Luger for the title back in August, but how long can he keep the title with sting and a plethora of main event talent sniffing around him.

WCW Champ blog

The current United States champion is the once perfect Curt Henning, I will be using this title to promote the best of the mid-card and he may have a tough time keeping hold of the title, as it will more than likely be being defended most weeks on nitro in fifteen-twenty minute workhorse type matches. So expect to see a few of the younger guys stepping up to challenge Henning. Can he keep up?

US Champ Blog

As the name implies the Television Championship will also be defended most weeks on nitro, as we use title matches to try and get better TV rating’s then raw. I’m quite happy with Perry Saturn as the current Champion, as I feel he would be a good option to get the lower mid-card ready for promotion to challenging for the United States championship and beyond.

Television Champ blog

The Cruiserweight division is where I believe WCW really dropped the ball during the Monday night war, as they had some excellent talent in that division that they really could have made into major stars. Including the current champion, the future Latino heat himself Eddie Guerrero, who I was pleasantly surprised to find as cruiserweight champion and I expect him to put on some great matches against the likes of Rey Mysterio, Kidman, psychosis,Malenko,Juventud Guerrera and possibly in the not too distant future his own nephew Chavo Guerrero.

Cruiserweight Champ blog

The Tag team division is in a weird place, as the game starts we only have three real tag teams including the reigning champions Rick and Scott, the Steiner brothers, Booker T and Stevie Ray AKA Harlem Heat and The team who have struggled since joining from ECW Jonny Grunge and Rocco Rock the Public enemy. we do have a few other teams that mainly operate as singles competitors but can work together as teams such as Beniot and Malenko, Meng and the Barbarian. Known as the faces of fear when they team together and of course the team of Kevin Nash and Scott Hall, the outsiders but will they have any interest in coming back for the tag team titles? Only time will tell.

WCW World Tag Champ blog


That’s it for this introductory blog, I hope you’ve enjoyed it and that you’re maybe looking forward to seeing more. I’m certainly looking forward to getting going with this game. I think it will be a lot of fun to see who comes out on top my WCW or Hanmister’s WWF. If you’ve enjoyed this blog please give it a like down below and leave a comment, letting me know what you would do with this current roster and the current champions.

Thanks for reading don’t forget to check out Hanmister’s blog Introductory blog which will be released Here Tomorrow and ill catch you next time for the first episode of WCW Monday Nitro.




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